Feb 042011
Playing with Fate: Your "Defining Aspect"

Even though all aspects have the same base definition, and mechanically act in the same way, your Defining Aspect really encompasses the meat of your character. Who is this? What do they do? What is their profession? Where does he come from? How is he different from others like him? What is it about this character that will make me immediately aware of who I’m really playing? Sum it [Read the article]

Embrace Your FATE

 Posted by on February 3, 2011  Filed as: Better Gameplay?  10 Responses »  Topic(s): , ,
Feb 032011
Embrace Your FATE

Although the FATE system has been around for a few years now, 2010 really shaped up as the year of FATE.  Last year we saw the release of The Dresden Files (urban fantasy), Diaspora (hard sci-fi), Legends of Anglerre (fantasy), and Strands of FATE (universal).  All of these games have added to the critical acclaim of Spirit of the Century (pulp action) and Starblazer Adventures [Read the article]

Jan 312011
Playing with FATE, a New Project!

In our opinion, no other game brings out the role-player in you, like FATE can. No other game brings out the collaborative story-telling, like FATE can. And no other game can simply be as rewarding – as FATE can. However, with the many incarnations of FATE (and its radical approach to gaming), it can be a little intimidating to tackle. But fear not! We’re here [Read the article]

Jan 182011
FATE: My only real role-playing game.

A few years ago, I was sitting at work in the jail as a new-hire.  I was talking with a couple of guys about gaming and they brought up that the next edition of game XYZ was coming out.  The game was taking an entirely new direction, offering all these new, cool options, mechanics, and support. “Radical!  I can’t wait to try it out!  Tell [Read the article]