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Drive ThruWin a $25 gift certificate to DriveThruRPG!




As a DriveThruRPG affiliate, we earn a small commission every time a reader orders from DriveThru through one of our links (see our sidebar).  All commissions go directly back to our readers through contests… and this time, it’s a Twitter contest!

Simply follow @stuffershack and tweet the following:

Win a $25 DriveThruRPG gift certificate!  Follow @stuffershack and RT this message! #rpgstuff


  1. One entry (and only one) per follower who tweets or retweets the above message.
  2. The contest ends Wednesday, January 2nd, 2013.  11:00 AM Pacific.
  3. One follower who has tweeted the above message will win the $25 gift Certificate.

This is our first real Twitter Contest!  We plan on having more every few months.  Good luck!

Chris Stevens

In Chris's opinion, the very best vices are dirt bikes, rock music, and gaming, while the very best medicine is fatherhood. If he could just learn to balance them all, he'd live forever. He's much more creative than intelligent, often wakes up belligerent, and ponders many things insignificant. Lastly, in an effort to transform his well-fed body, P90X, Roller Blades, and Food are all laughing at him. And the pain continues.

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