Mar 182013

$50 Gift CertificateThe 2013 RPG SOTY is fast upon us!  If you haven’t heard, this is the third annual contest dedicated to roleplaying blogs.  The first two years were awesome…  plenty of sites entered both years, both prize packages were worth hundreds of dollars, and two very awesome RPG sites took the titles: Critical-Hits in 2011, and The Id DM in 2012.  Who will take it all this year?  I don’t know, but I do know that (among other things) they’ll be winning a $50 gift certificate from DriveThruRPG.

This download store is amazing.  It took me awhile, but I finally came around to the power of downloadable products, and DriveThruRPG has that in spades.  They have the largest and best selection, great prices, awesome sales and plenty of freebies.  What’s not to love?

If you haven’t been there (or haven’t been there in a while), go check it out!

Also, if you haven’t signed up for the contest yet, do it!  The deadline for Open Submissions is only a few weeks away!  [see below]

SOTY Shield 2013

Introduction / FAQ
Submit your Site

The 2012 SOTY Award
The 2011 SOTY Award

Chris Stevens

In Chris's opinion, the very best vices are dirt bikes, rock music, and gaming, while the very best medicine is fatherhood. If he could just learn to balance them all, he'd live forever. He's much more creative than intelligent, often wakes up belligerent, and ponders many things insignificant. Lastly, in an effort to transform his well-fed body, P90X, Roller Blades, and Food are all laughing at him. And the pain continues.

  One Response to “$50 Gift Certificate Donated by DriveThruRPG!”

  1. Great luck on your contest, Chris! Sounds like a lot of fun and I hope this year is another outstanding success! How does a person enter and qualify for the DriveThruRPD certificate?

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