I promise, this is the last of the crew, and I’ll do something different next week. It is well known that a handful of years ago, Lucius’s countrymen invaded the city state. Lucius did what a lot of ex-legionaries did and strapped his armour on, grabbed his shield and gladius, and went down to the docks to help repel the invaders. This made it a [Read the article]

Being the only progeny of one of the city’s richest families meant Red had a very easy life early on. If she had been born a son, her most pressing concerns would have been finding a wife and not frittering away the family fortune. It was not the case though, and her father doted on her magnificently. Everything she wanted was provided, every whim acceded [Read the article]

Another member of the Lucius crew, and I thought I’d give you a magic user of sorts, this time round. In his home country, summoning a Daemon to do a job is normal. People who can do so well are highly prized, but almost half the population have the ability to bring forth smaller denizens of the other realm to work for them. What is [Read the article]

I’m afraid the regular readers here will have to indulge me on my next few posts. I had a great time last week writing up Lucius, and I have since been working out some other members of his crew. What follows is the first of several that all work with the disgraced Legionnaire. After the description there will be a small section on how to [Read the article]

Born to an army camp whore, he had few options in life other than to join the outpost garrison he found himself at as a young man. Scrawny and ill suited to military life, he did the bare minimum required to get by without too many punishment lashings, and quickly did everything in his power to make his life as easy as possible. With a [Read the article]

To his patients, he is known as a generous soul. Offering medical care to the rookeries of the east end, and only charging what the patients can afford. This has earned him a stellar reputation, and even the criminals of that vice ridden den leave him alone, never knowing when they might need his help themselves. In the worst parts of London, stabbings are common, [Read the article]

After a long run of plot seeds, I’m going to be trying something a bit different for a while, and write up some character inspiration for you all. To start with I’m going to rock something from my current genre of choice, Cyberpunk. This one is written with CP2020 in mind, but there are plenty of other cracking settings out there that showcase the future [Read the article]

I’ve been thinking about Mars quite a lot lately, and not just because of the recent Mars rover images that got mentioned on my podcast. And this is just one idea I’ve had for a game that can be played on the Red Planet. Rumours of sedition coming from Mars haven’t sparked that much interest to those making their livings on the streets of earth. [Read the article]
Pilfer this Lovecraftian plot seed: Murder Incorporated.

Unlike previous posts, that are either stand alone adventures or encounters that can easily be slotted into an existing game, this is the first adventure of a complete campaign. What the rest of the campaign could turn into is up to the GM, but for me I can’t help but add a healthy amount of the occult to this historical plot. The Summer of ’34 [Read the article]

It happens to all adventuring parties at some point in their travels. They’re crossing vast expanses of land and find villages, settlements, and even cities that might not be on their map, and find strange customs within. Things that are normal, regular and day to day for its inhabitants, but to strangers seem dark and weird. This is one such encounter… According to the map, [Read the article]