Aug 212016
#RPGaDAY 21 2016 – Preferred Method of Character Improvement

I’m going with an alternative question for today’s #RPGaDay question because I frankly can’t think of a funny misinterpretation. Of course Monty Haul campaigns are in and of themselves misinterpretations of the intent (and rules) of the game, but that’s about all I can think of. For the alternative question, my preferred method of character improvement through experience points, but very loosely applied experience. I tend [Read the article]

Aug 182016
#RPGaDAY 18 2016 – RPG Groups Could Benefit Most From What Innovation?

It’s hard to say what innovation RPG groups could most benefit from, mainly because most of the best ideas I’ve heard of are no longer innovations. Nevertheless, I really like the concept from the Apocalypse World games of having to create bonds (history or Hx in the game) between players. It’s something that went on before that game, but strong ties between the player characters [Read the article]

Aug 152016
#RPGaDAY 15 2016 – Best Source of Inspiration for RPGs

As with most people, I get my inspiration from a variety of sources, but I would say that movies are one the top sources of inspiration when I am getting ready to run a game or to get me inspired to run something. I’ll typically track down a movie or two that are set in that genre/setting to watch before running a game to help [Read the article]