Mar 312010
Corvin, the Cave Bear - Steal this Background

Haddus, aged and injured, of the likes that would not heal, sat in his courtyard watching his son and grandson.  Corvin, robust and proud, was instructing the young one in the ways of the Cave Bear, as had been taught to him by his father.  Haddus mused how the circle of life turned. In his younger years, Haddus traveled the region, gaining much wisdom.  When [Read the article]

Mar 292010
Crux Tel, the Shadar-Kai - Steal this Background

In the Shadowfell, Shadar-Kai live in the extreme.  You would too, lest you succumb to the dreary woes of that realm.  In that extreme you would embrace pain, just so that you could feel something.  They are no strangers to pain, these Shadar-Kai, and no strangers to combat.  They look forward to it, relish it, love it.  Crux Tel is one such warrior. By chance, he had the opportunity [Read the article]

Mar 222010
Agaroth, the Lost Adventurer - Steal this Background

Agaroth (the Lost Adventurer) is from a distant land.  His homeland is so far away that most people have never heard of it.  At some point in his career, his sponsor, lord, or patron sent him on a quest to seek and destroy a great evil (most likely something he will never face, like Orcus).  The quest is all but impossible to fulfill, and he’ll [Read the article]