Apr 032010


Clawspawn are sent to negotiate when their masters know that it will probably be fruitless.  This soldier will negotiate or threaten, only until it appears that it will be unsuccessful.  At that point, it attacks, and it usually has lesser demons escorting it.

Clawspawn Tactics

Being a soldier, he fights with his head as well as his weapons.  He prefers to immobilize targets, then reposition himself to fight others, so that he is not attacked by everyone at the same time.

Clawspawn Lore

A character knows the following information with a successful Arcana check.

DC 15: A clawspawn’s master sends it in when it needs something done, or information gained.  It appears that the master would like the task carried out without violence, but because it sends a clawspawn, it thinks that violence is the end result anyway.

DC 20: A clawspawn’s tail can attack any target within 3 squares; it isn’t limited to attacks in front of him.

DC 25: A clawspawn loves the art of war.  As such, he can sometimes be goaded into a duel, one on one, as long as he believes his opponent will stick to the terms.

Inspired by Darius Clawspawn.

Chris Stevens

In Chris's opinion, the very best vices are dirt bikes, rock music, and gaming, while the very best medicine is fatherhood. If he could just learn to balance them all, he'd live forever. He's much more creative than intelligent, often wakes up belligerent, and ponders many things insignificant. Lastly, in an effort to transform his well-fed body, P90X, Roller Blades, and Food are all laughing at him. And the pain continues.

  2 Responses to “Clawspawn, a Demon – Steal this Monster”

  1. Love this! I’m a huge fan of both Demons and the classic Scorpionmen so this is right up my alley. Keep up the good work!

    • Thanks! Actually, my favorite character I ever played was in Super World, using my own version of “The Scorpion.”

      Kudos to Sniderman over at The Savage Afterworld for providing Darius Clawspawn.


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