I love finding new gamer blogs, especially well-written gamer blogs. HELD ACTION is one such website. Here’s a bit I’ve borrowed from his “About” page:
“My name’s Tyler. I live in Burlington, Vermont, on the western edge of the group of states collectively dubbed New England. This is my blog about tabletop games I like — mainly roleplaying games with a bit of board games on the side — and the kind of gaming goodness we get up to here in Vermont. Sometimes I’ll report on the games I’ve played recently, or RPG books I’ve read. Other times, I’ll have campaign ideas or character concepts I want to type out.
Being a bit of a convention hound, there will certainly be news and reports from the various conventions in Vermont, New England and surrounding areas. As staff for several different conventions over the years — Lorecon, Northeast Wars and now Carnage — I have a bit of insight into the process of planning and putting on events for the nerdly.”
His site doesn’t have some weird gimmick, and there’s not a lot of bells & whistles – just solid, well-written articles about gaming. I like reading his stuff, and I’m sure you will too. Stop by HELD ACTION, say hi, and go back often!