Lots of stuff happening around here, and one of those things is upgrading our Store. With some new Monster Minis and Exotic Mounts (as well as a super-secret project getting ready to kick off), it was time for an upgrade. Check out some of the new items below, and then head over to the new Store for the rest. I’m pretty proud of it, and I hope you find something that will make your game even more fun!

(Minotaur - 1 or 2-inch base) It is said that in ancient times, a goddess would sometimes punish humans by creating Minotaurs. Seeing as how these minotaurs were neither man or beast (but both), they had no natural source of nourishment and thus devoured man for sustenance. Through the centuries, the savage creatures have survived, creating offspring of their own. Some say that minotaurs can now even be taught to speak...

(Double-Headed Young Hydra - 2-inch base) You'll have to be either stupid or desperate to think that riding this beast is going to end well. Still, there have been at least a couple of brave souls who made it work (at least until the hydras finally ate them).

(Slee-stog - 2-inch base) Slee-stogs are great swimmers, preferring to live in or near lakes (and sometimes bogs or swamps). They aren't so fast on land, but that doesn't stop them from surrounding their prey, hissing as they close in.

(Camel - 2-inch base) They may not be as pretty or as fast, but a Camel will outlast any horse, any day. Besides, can your horse spit?

(Green Drake - 2-inch base) Green Drakes are simply mean, mean, mean. Not only is their disposition downright dreadful, but they rarely attack with deadly force, preferring to paralyze you with their venom so they can slowly pick your bones as you lay there suffering through it. While they can be dominated to be used as attack drakes, they absolutely will not accept a rider.
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Don’t forget about those favorites that started it all…