The prizes just keep coming! Chaotic Shiny is graciously providing a free City Builder Generator Pack for the 2012 SOTY contest. The City Builder is actually several generators in one: information about a random city, names within a city, taverns, crowds, rumors, merchants, and maps! This is a fantastic tool for anyone looking to make a city in their game – it’s fast and simple, and can practically create an a infinite number of variations. Check out a couple of pics below…
Really, I love Chaotic Shiny. It’s one of those role-playing game websites that simply adds to your game. It must have around 100 free, useful generators – and they’re accessed right on the site, without any kind of membership. They’re just right there waiting for your use.
There’s also a few downloadable paid-for generators. They include several generators in one, plus have a little extra punch. Also a big plus: they’re so very nicely priced. The City Builder Generator Pack comes in at a very modest $3.95, and that’s simply a steal. Make your way there and you’ll find several other generator packs similarly priced (like the Kingdom Generator, Puzzle Converter, and Martial Cultures (an ebook).
Kudos to Hannah for creating Chaotic Shiny, and for helping support the 2012 RPG site of the Year contest. Thanks Hannah!
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