Prize #5: Pulp! The RPG…
Beer Star Games is sponsoring the RPG SOTY with a package of their latest products. First up is Pulp! Fantasty: Estia the Isle of Giants. We’re going to send you a physical copy of the book from the first print run on Lulu (it’s got nice paper).
Estia is a wild land filled with undiscovered creatures and hidden dangers. The given goal of this adventure is a simple one: acquire an artifact of the Old Ones for study. Players control powerful heroes from the very beginning, but death always lurks only a few bad rolls away. The players have the freedom to pursue their goals in any style they see fit: aggressive combat, silver-tongued diplomacy, or elaborate scheming. The Pulp! system supports these modes of play with ease, allowing you to switch from one of these tactics to another without stopping the scene to reference a separate set of rules.
- The Pulp! Core rules
- Background on the Gamer Assembly’s Shattered Seas World
- Hooks for grabbing players
- Instructions for Adventure Play and a Random Encounter mode using the Estia Card Deck
- A preconstructed adventure “Remnants of the Old Gods”
- A Bonus Bestiary
It’s everything you need and more to get started playing Pulp!
However, there is something else. Something that you don’t need but you’re sure to love. The new Estia Card Deck! (coming soon for purchase).

See. They do exist!
The Estia Card Deck contains 50 beautiful black & white cards featuring the gloriously condensed Pulp! mechanics. This deck has every PC, NPC, Hazard and treasure contained with Estia the Isle of Giants plus more. Each card has it’s own art and their rules (or suggestions for cards like locations).
With the deck in hand, and an understanding of the core rules, Estia becomes the quintessential portable RPG. Just grab the deck, deal out some characters and keep the rest for your greedy GM self. You can flip through the deck and pick out exactly which elements you want to use. If you’re mad as a hatter like me, you’d rather just shuffle the deck and see what comes out on top!

Coloring the pictures is fun for adults!
Perhaps my favorite part of the cards is that they are dry erasable. Grab a few, thin, white board markers and you don’t need to waste any scrap paper. Keep track of changing attributes, assets and complications right on the cards!
Find these and more on the Pulp! website.
Wow, this sounds like an exciting prize, Chris! I could definitely have a beer with the giant. Well, as long as he’s not an angry drunk 🙂 Beer Star Games sounds fun!
It does seem pretty fun. I’ve read it through and I’m looking forward to running it for my group.