Starting a little late, but let’s dive right in with this year’s #RPGaDAY series- real dice, dice app or diceless? I’d have to go with real dice, hands down. I’ve tried a few dice apps, and while they’re handy when I don’t have dice, or when using special dice (like Warhammer 3e or FFG’s Star Wars), it’s just not the same. The tactile sense of holding dice, of rolling them, it’s a huge part of the game. Similarly, games without dice seem like they’re missing something.
However, when GMing, the best innovation I have experienced has been playing Apocalypse World Engine games, where the GM does not roll any dice. I thought I would miss the dice, but when GMing, there is so much going on to keep track of that I really enjoy not rolling dice. I particularly like not having my luck played against the player’s. Instead, it’s all on the players to either hit it big or lose big.
I now distinctly dislike GMing games where I have to roll the dice and have made a point of altering game systems that I run such that I don’t have to roll the dice. It also makes playing a bit more special.
I haven’t tried Amber’s diceless system, but am curious to try it out as many people have raved about it. Not sure if it’ll be for me as a player, but perhaps GMing Amber…