We’re giving away ANOTHER $20 DriveThruRPG gift certificate!
Filed as: From the Editor's Desk
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Jul 042016
For two months in a row, we’re giving away $20 in DriveThruRPG credit. To enter the giveaway, all you have to do is sign up for our monthly Newsletter. That’s it.
We give away all of our affiliate credit every time our Newsletter goes out – so, you’ll automatically be entering to win every month. The prize varies from month to month (anywhere from $5 to $20), and this month we got lucky… $20!
[Also, our Patrons get extra chances to win. Just sayin.’]
I never got the $20 credit from last month
Sorry, Eric, but you have to win! We can’t give it to everybody 🙂 If you open up the email with the Newsletter, you’ll see who won for last month, which was…