Susan Sako

I play DnD; I hold a degree in Scientifical Maths; I collect dice; I adore dressing up at Renaissance festivals. I couldn't be nerdier if I tried! And believe me, I have XD

Sep 102013
So You Want to Be a Rennie? - going to your first Renaissance Festival...

Attending a Renaissance festival can be a great time, but if you’ve never been to one before, it can be daunting at a glance. What are some of the things you can expect? What’s the best way to plan a day? What should you remember to bring? Well, here’s a quick reference guide to get you started. The Prep Most guides will remind you to [Read the article]

Nov 242010
Glitch, the Warforged Bodyguard - Steal this NPC

Glitch is a Warforged, built to be fighter and a bodyguard. He stands approximately 7′ 7″ and is 3 feet wide at his shoulder. He is rather fearsome to look at, but in all actuality possesses a child-like innocence and curiosity. Unfortunately, when Dr. Melkanin created him, he made a minor miscalculation. Rather than being a fighter, he is a barbarian. When directly addressed, he [Read the article]