I like the hobby of RP gaming, partly because I get to hang out with friends, but mostly because I get to experience what it’s like to be in an action movie, fighting ‘real’ bad guys (and sometimes good guys). However… In the beginning, my combat turn went something like this: I attack the orc. I rolled a 19. Does that hit? I rolled 12 [Read the article]
When I started reading gaming blogs a while back, I wasn’t really expecting much from them, and I thought there would be only a few of them. Boy was I wrong… on both counts! The Other Side blog was one of the first RPG blogs I visited, and I have to say that I got hooked. I can’t really explain it, but I keep finding [Read the article]
Anyone can take out the lone zombie. It’s slow and stupid, and since they’re already dead, you should have no qualms about turning its head into a canoe. Just watch any of the various zombie-killing training videos (Zombies on Broadway, Shaun of the Dead, Zombieland, etc.) and you’ll see what I mean. The real problem is dealing with a zombie horde, and really, your best [Read the article]
There are a lot of things that I look for in deciding which RPG blogs to follow, and of those things, solid and useful content would be the most important. Well, Leonine Roar has that in spades. Kilsek has a good grasp of 4th edition D&D, but many of his posts could apply to any game, making it all the more useful. Here are a [Read the article]
Superheroes, warriors, athletes, and monsters battle for a century. My favorite part of this epic war involves Chuck Norris crushing Bruce Wayne’s head. Of course, we can’t expect anything less. I mean, Chuck Norris won the Professional Middleweight Karate champion title six years in a row before retiring from full contact tournaments. With a 183–10–2 record, you know he’s the only man alive that can kick [Read the article]
There are hundreds, if not thousands of role-playing games out there – maybe even tens of thousands. They all look and act differently, but at their core they are all about gamers sitting around a table, taking on the roles of larger-than-life characters. Dice and character statistics are involved to mitigate actions fairly, while the act of role-playing is largely left ungoverned. When I say ungoverned, I’m [Read the article]