I feel that it is time to give a special thanks and shout-out to a few out there who have helped me with Stuffer Shack. In one form or another, Roleplaying Pro The Geek Life Project Critical-Hits Greywulf’s Lair and Plastic Polyhedra – have donated either time, posts, advice, encouragement, or graphics (thanks for letting me steal the header, Greywulf). You all Rock! I don’t [Read the article]
Wolf’s Run actually involves a Skills Challenge and a Combat Encounter. As the PCs are traveling across the land to another town, they start to notice wolves in and about the surrounding uninhabited hills. Any Nature-oriented character will easily be able to discern that the PCs have entered wolf territory, and that the wolves are just keeping an eye on them. They will later notice [Read the article]
This contest has been UPDATED. ENDED. See the Results! Welcome to the grand opening of the STUFFER SHACK! If you haven’t looked around yet, let me tell you what we’re all about. We’re all about character backgrounds for you to steal. We’re all about adventure and encounter ideas for you to steal. NPCs, enemies, and monsters are lying around, too! Coming soon, we’ll have a [Read the article]
Jaskryn has been undead for over 900 years, though he has spent much of that time imprisoned to his chair. You see, one of his sirelings had aspirations of power, and attempted to defy his master (Jaskryn). Jaskryn responded by attempting to beat down the sireling, but was unsuccessful. The sireling (still slightly dominated by his master), could not attempt the killing blow. Instead, he [Read the article]
Medusa Dread No one likes dealing with a medusa dread, even other medusa. This abomination, just before being born, burrows deeper into its mother (which is a normal medusa), and begins feasting. Not until the mother medusa dies in the next few hours does the medusa dread eat its way out. Medusa dread are rare, and are thought to be myth by most. Making them [Read the article]
Elora, beaten down as a child and abused as a young woman, has since learned to fend for herself. In truth, she has gotten revenge on almost everyone that has wronged her. Even the duke tried to enslave her. When two of his personal guards fell to her blade, the duke quickly realized his mistake, and then made amends with her by offering her a [Read the article]
Clawspawn Clawspawn are sent to negotiate when their masters know that it will probably be fruitless. This soldier will negotiate or threaten, only until it appears that it will be unsuccessful. At that point, it attacks, and it usually has lesser demons escorting it. Clawspawn Tactics Being a soldier, he fights with his head as well as his weapons. He prefers to immobilize targets, then [Read the article]
Haddus, aged and injured, of the likes that would not heal, sat in his courtyard watching his son and grandson. Corvin, robust and proud, was instructing the young one in the ways of the Cave Bear, as had been taught to him by his father. Haddus mused how the circle of life turned. In his younger years, Haddus traveled the region, gaining much wisdom. When [Read the article]
In the Shadowfell, Shadar-Kai live in the extreme. You would too, lest you succumb to the dreary woes of that realm. In that extreme you would embrace pain, just so that you could feel something. They are no strangers to pain, these Shadar-Kai, and no strangers to combat. They look forward to it, relish it, love it. Crux Tel is one such warrior. By chance, he had the opportunity [Read the article]
Boresh is an older bother to one of the player characters (in a family with three brothers), and son to a famous heroic father. As the eldest son, it was thought that he would follow in his father’s footsteps, becoming a great fighter. And indeed, he did grow to become strong. However, as a young adult, he failed to protect his mother and their home [Read the article]