Probably the best advice would be to just have fun, but I particularly like Dungeon World’s advice to “Play to find out what happens.”
Today’s entry is a bit late, and as it turns out I’m doing a combo entry covering two days. If I could play anywhere in the world, I’d have to say I’d prefer gaming at home in the most awesome gaming room. I thought of all the cool places, like in a castle, a pyramid, a haunted house, etc. and they’re all awesome, but I [Read the article]
There is one book that I believe is at the foundation of all gamer’s pasts, or if it’s not, it should be. It’s a classic tale of a hero’s quest, but one told in an ancient, different world, but one that’s not so different that we can’t see ourselves in it. The group comes together soon in the beginning and go on to face many different [Read the article]
The time that comes to mind was after the great blizzard of 1996 in Victoria, British Columbia. Now, although that’s in Canada you should understand that Victoria’s weather is actually the mildest of in the country. Typically the city gets maybe a day or two of snow, sometimes nothing more than a dusting here and there. On those days, mayhem ensues as people unused and unprepared to drive [Read the article]
This is a pretty easy one, since RPGs naturally fit in a constellation of various hobbies. Wargaming is the one that gave it birth and miniature painting goes hand-in-hand with it. Computer gaming was born out of tabletop RPGs, and as such, computer programming is another hobby that follows this path. Consuming media is necessary to develop new stories, so goes well with RPGs. Finally, I’d say that artistic [Read the article]
Over the years I have seen a number of good characters, ones that have stood out among the hundreds. What made them stand out was that they were memorable, but what made them memorable? I’d say there are three key factors to making a great character: a strong personality, a strong focus and character development.
Our most recurring random event is one of our players keeps having the worst luck at the table, drawing the hit when it affects a random player, suffering really bad hits and making terrible rolls at crucial moments. It seems to happen no matter what game we’re playing. Some people’s luck just turns that way.
I’m going with an alternative question for today’s #RPGaDay question because I frankly can’t think of a funny misinterpretation. Of course Monty Haul campaigns are in and of themselves misinterpretations of the intent (and rules) of the game, but that’s about all I can think of. For the alternative question, my preferred method of character improvement through experience points, but very loosely applied experience. I tend [Read the article]