Facebook and Gaming?
I am not Mr. Tech. I have zero apps for my Android (heck, I only got a smartphone a few months ago), and I have a love/hate relationship with my computer. And when it comes to social media, I’m POSITIVE that I’m still not doing it correctly. I’m certainly not cool enough to be called a nerd. However, I have been shown a valuable tool for use by our gaming group – a Facebook Group, and we’re using it like a fiend.
Maybe you know all about this already, and maybe you use something else entirely different, but if you’re like me, you’ve had no idea that this stuff was out there. I have to say, it’s freaking useful as hell. 6/7 of our group is online, and we use the crap out of it.
We use it to talk about schedules, planning, characters, jokes, and quotes of the week. We sometimes use it to talk amongst ourselves in-character, or talk about the adventure. Also, we can upload and download files for all of us to use. And since it’s Facebook, we get instant updates when one of us posts or comments.
I simply like it. I’m not a huge Facebook fan, but we definitely see the benefit and value out of this group function.
I’m curious, do you use Facebook Groups for your gaming group, or some other forum? I’m interested to see how others can get use out of it, or if something else is better…
In the past I’ve been in groups that have used Yahoo groups and Google groups but none of my games has used Facebook yet. My current group is using Obsidian Portal for the campaign and then just email for communication.
Facebook might be a good one to try however.
My group uses Obsidian Portal (http://www.obsidianportal.com/), love it! Love the new site you have here too!
Thanks guys.
I’ve tried to use Obsidian Portal a few times, but the groups I’ve been with just couldn’t jump on. I totally see the benefit of a campaign wiki, but it just didn’t work for us. I wish it did.