Gaming Christmas is almost here! No I’m not talking about Gary Gagax’s birthday (that was like, a couple of weeks ago. I’m talking about GENCON!!!
Every year, gamers from all over the world flock to the Midwest to roll dice – nonstop – for four days. I’ve never been, and each year when it comes around, its a tough week. It’s easy to follow the action on Facebook, Twitter and all the forums, but it can be very depressing to see so much fun if you’re not there! My wife got sick of the Sighing and informed me I was going this year whether I liked it or not!
I’ll be wearing a few hats at the convention. It wasn’t really supposed to be that way, but hey, it should be fun!
This year I will have a press pass, representing our fair I’ll take lots of pictures and have posts up about my experience at the con once I come back. If everything goes well, I’ll even be interviewing a member of the D&D Brand team. The topic is their Rise of the Underdark product theme event spectacular. If you have questions for them, toss it in the comments!
Marvel RPG
I’ll be running a preview of Margaret Weiss Productions new on Annihilation Event for MWP. Sadly, I believe all those slots are filled. It’s called Guardians of Galaxy. You can see the preview text below.
“Spinning out of the events of Marvel’s Annihilation, you and your crack squad of misfits are ready to take on any intergalactic crisis, no matter how epic. Go cosmic! Go Guardians!”
Modern Assembly
I will have the preview/playtest/beta of Modern Assembly with me. Technically, I’m only running one slot of it, and it’s also full. However, I’ll have a bunch of PreGens on me. . .
Kobold Quarterly
Of course I’m thrilled that the Midgard Bestiary is coming out in September and I’m very proud of my work in Kobold Quarterly. Sadly, the Kobolds don’t have a booth this year for me to hang around in and pretend to be famous. However, I am running a game for one of our patrons at GenCon, so I will have some preview pages tucked into my binder.
I’ll also be at the meet the KQ Minions event, Saturday Morning at 9 AM. Crowne Plaza : Victoria Stn C/D. I’m currently planning to stick around form some of the KQ panels after that as well. If your meeting the Kobolds at the Hard Rock on Wednesday, I’ll be there as well.
Let There Be Games! kicks off my gaming Wednesday Night. It’s open to all, so you should come by. If you want to get in on a Marvel or Modern Assembly game, that’s the first time to do so! My schedule is also quite open on Sunday Night through Monday Afternoon, as a late Monday flight was my cheapest travel option. I’ll be looking to game, so if you want to play something, let me know! If there’s interest in a Midgard preview (4e), that’s a good time to do it.

File Photo: I’m the guy on your left with the cool gaming shirt and the awesome kid.
I love cons because I love meeting all you like-minded people. If you see me, feel free to stop and say hi. I’ll give you my swanky business cards, we’ll tweet each other about how sad it is that GenCon is over. It’ll be great!
The best time to be social is, of course, at the Gen Con Social! Thrusday Night! There’s food, fun and goodie bags! If I’m reading their website correctly, there’s still time to get tickets, as of this writing.
Steak ‘n Shake
We don’t have these. I just learned about them. WHY DON’T WE HAVE THESE IN BOSTON?
So that’s it. I hope to see you at GenCon. If I don’t, check in here after for my reports!
Hey Brian,
Can’t wait myself. I am leaving for GenCon today. Stoked to go and I would like to bump into you at some point. It would be cool.
Anyways I do have a question for the D&D Q&A. I heard rumours that the final season of encounters will be the continuation of Season 10 – Council of Spiders. Is it true that the characters will finally get to play their characters past 3rd level?
If you could ask that question that would be cool.
Oh, just for your information, so as not to confuse people, the GenCon social is on Thursday night. I cannot make it unfortunately, due to some kick-ass D&D Chapionship Tournament going on that night!!! Wish me luck and have fun at the social.
See you tomorrow night at Let there be games!
Thanks Alton, its been corrected. Obviously I cannot be in three places on Wednesday night. Two places I’ll manage. 😉
And thank you for the question! See you tomorrow!
Yes, sir!
May the games be with you!