We returned to the War of the Dead campaign just outside the CDC in Atlanta with the PCs (survivors) being herded to a relocation camp set up by the military to contain the residents of Atlanta who had not succumbed to the sickness. As they were being led to their camp, the FBI agent with them breaks away, running toward a military commander on the [Read the article]
We returned to Deadlands: Reloaded for another session. We’ve been having a great deal of difficulty getting all four players together, which is making me rethink how I’ll approach the upcoming Masks of Nyarlathotep campaign I’m planning. I may have to work out a system to allow for one or more to be missing from any given session, otherwise it’ll take forever to complete. In [Read the article]
I have bought one superhero game in my 30+ years of gaming – Marvel Heroic Roleplaying. It’s just not a genre I’ve been into in the past, but it was the darling RPG of the year and everyone was raving about it. I jumped on the bandwagon, encouraged by the narrative game play that the game promised. And it delivered to some extent. The problem [Read the article]
Here are a few kick-starters that I’m backing and that you might want to check out: Uncharted Worlds: A Space Opera Roleplaying Game (ends March 20) A space opera tabletop rpg of exploration, combat, politics and commerce across the stars. I’ll cover this one first as it’s ending very early. Generally, I’m hesitant to buy into new game systems without knowing them, but this one is powered by D. Vincent Baker’s Apocalypse [Read the article]
Dwarven Forge’s City Builder Kickstarter just launched. It looks awesome and as someone who has already invested heavily in Dwarven Forge dungeons and caves and I’ve already pledged. But, the high cost is giving me second thoughts. To help calm my worries, I will review four different types of terrain that I own and use to decide whether this kickstarter really is worth it for me (for Dwarven Forge, I’ll use their caves and dungeons as [Read the article]
Why I’m backing Robert J. Schwalb’s Kickstarter – Shadow of the Demon Lord
Recently I attended the GottaCon in beautiful Victoria, BC, Canada. It’s the 7th convention they’ve held and it’s dedicated to gaming of all kinds, but for me it was all about the RPGs. The convention itself was held at the beautiful Victoria Convention Centre after it’s early beginnings in the gyms of recreation centres. With over 3000 attendees, the convention has even spilled over into the adjacent Crystal Gardens, where [Read the article]
While I played using the “theatre of the mind” for many years, I have always been a visual person and with the advent of pre-painted miniatures and, more importantly, singles at very affordable prices, I have moved increasingly toward using map tiles and miniatures where possible. Even with a pretty good selection of miniatures covering a wide range of genres though, I still run into the problem [Read the article]
Gaming Life: Return to War of the Dead Campaign Session 3 – Bennies A’Burning
Having survived a helicopter crash, escaped Augusta, Georgia in an SUV, and successfully fought off a biker gang attack, we find the loved ones of our main heroes continuing on the road to Atlanta, Georgia, and the main HQ of the CDC. You can find Session 1 here and Session 2 here. Tonight’s session begins with our group finding a pile up blocking the highway. They decide [Read the article]