RPGaDay asks on Day 14, what is my favourite RPG Accessory?
I love miniatures and terrain. So, those would have to be my favourite RPG accessories.

Savage Worlds Rome – The legionnaires are exiled to Britannia for having tried to kill a zealot prophet in broad daylight. Escaping the wrath of the crowds, they sail on the Nuntia, with a strange cargo on board.

Savage Worlds Rome – Getting the lion out of the burning room seemed like a good idea at the time. Then, another fire is detected on the stern of the boat!
I ran games for many, many years as theatre of the mind and that was okay, but I really like having a visual representation of what’s happening in the game, even if it’s not perfect or that detailed, it’s at least something to look at.
Even more than just miniatures though, 3-D terrain is something that has really exploded in my games. The pictures above were from my Savage Worlds – Weird Wars Rome game last year and it was a blast.
Something extra is added to games when you can actually see the relative locations of the various characters. And when a battle and activity is taking place in a variety of places, it’s great to be able to see what’s happening and where quickly.
I realize it’s not something everyone can do or even wants to do, but for me, it’s something that’s added greatly to the enjoyment of my games.
Looks great. I also love terrain and have recognized this as my “go to” when setting up a battle.