May 262014

CONTEST IT'S A TRAPWhat You See: A smallish room, under 20’x20′, and not entirely square. The walls are fitted with rickety shelves that run up to the ceiling and every one of the shelves is packed with all sorts of bric-a-brac and junk. Closer examination reveals that there may in fact be something magical or at least shiny up on one of the top shelves, next to a bottle of expensive-looking liquor.

What You Get: The bottom shelves sway slightly, but seem to support the weight of one person climbing them with no real difficulty. However, if anyone does attempt to climb the shelves, or knocks about the top f the shelves with a pole or some such, the entire edifice will collapse in a choking cloud of dust, junk and broken shelving causing 1d4 to everyone within the room and forming a jumbled mass of debris that will require 2d4 Turns to shift adequately in order to leave the room, during which time there will most assuredly be a Wandering Monster check…

Jim Garrison

Jim is 1/2 of a team based in Minnesota. He and his better half run Hereticwerks, and their primary focus is the exploration of various imaginative settings and worlds through fiction, art, role-playing games and so on.

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