Dresden Files: Reno Reborn

 Posted by on November 2, 2011  Filed as: Editorial  2 Responses »  Topic(s):
Nov 022011

“It is the nature of the universe that things remain. Nothing ever disappears completely. The very sound of Creation still echoes throughout the vast darkness: The universe remembers.” Ghost Story In The Dresden Files RPG, the world of the Dresedenverse is a magical place. You may live in Chicago, Baltimore, Edenburg, Scotland, Mexico City; or Your Home Town, but no matter where you live, the [Read the article]

Dresden Files: The FATE of Reno

 Posted by on November 2, 2011  Filed as: Editorial  1 Response »  Topic(s):
Nov 022011
Dresden Files: The FATE of Reno

My group is getting ready to wrap up our Warhammer Fantasy game, and embark on a brave new endeavor of John Lewis’: playing Warhammer 40K: Rogue Trader using a homebrew rules set. John has always used published rules sets, published settings and homebrew settings. This experience will truly be a first for me, but one that I am looking forward to (I’ll tell you more [Read the article]