Conventionally Speaking, Part 2

 Posted by on September 8, 2014  Filed as: Editorial  1 Response »  Topic(s): ,
Sep 082014
Conventionally Speaking, Part 2

As I mentioned in Part 1, I had never really played any of these games, and I loved them all. I say “never really played” because I had already dipped my toe into the D&D Next waters, and had, along with countless other gamers, submitted one or two opinions on the whole endeavor…

Conventionally Speaking, Part 1

 Posted by on August 11, 2014  Filed as: Editorial  4 Responses »  Topic(s): ,
Aug 112014
Conventionally Speaking, Part 1

Lock Up Your Daughters!

A few weeks ago, my wife drove me and my 15-year old daughter, Rachel, to attend the mega-monster-sprawling gaming-anime-cosplay cradle of chaos called ConnectiCon. This would be my third consecutive year, but it was Rachel’s first, and by the way, her first convention of any kind, ever…