Doc Tophat

Doc Tophat wrote an article here once...

Dramatic Combat

 Posted by on August 29, 2016  Filed as: Better Gameplay?  1 Response »  Topic(s):
Aug 292016
Dramatic Combat

Wouldn’t it be the bee’s knees if you could run a game session without those pesky non-fun moments?  I think so.  Actually, I know so!  That’s why I laboriously reinvented that thing that was already invented, and put it into words that are my own!   You see, it took many decades of alchemy, wizardry, and drunken dumbery to create, no, to manifest this knowledge! “Well [Read the article]

Deck of Many Boons

 Posted by on August 9, 2010  Filed as: Steal this Item  5 Responses »  Topic(s):
Aug 092010
Deck of Many Boons

Wouldn’t it be cool if you could get some sort of benefit in-game for doing things that promote better gaming?   I do.  That’s why I hand-crafted the Deck of Many Boons.  It may look like an ordinary deck of cards, but this could not be further from the truth!  You see, it took many decades of alchemy, wizardry, and drunken dumbery to create, no, to [Read the article]