Captain Britain! He’s like Captain America. . .with a staff instead of a shield. . . and you know. . .Imperialism…
Apocalypse is one of the oldest living mutants, if not the oldest. He’s been called the first, and has a bit of a god complex. His plans for mutant dominance over the world have involved the X-Men and more, time and time again. To use him properly in the Marvel RPG, remember that he’s not just muscle; he’s a mastermind. His plans are subtle and [Read the article]
Bobby Drake is a pivotal hero in the Marvel Universe. He was on the very first X-men team, and has remained a key character ever since. Even when not on an active X-Men team, he soon found himself involved with the Champions, Defenders and X-Factor. One of his key personality traits is that he’s very open with his emotions. It’s easy to tell when he’s [Read the article]
This character was made for the Sundered Skies setting, a world torn apart into islands set adrift in the sky. Horatio was a lowly goblin, drifting in what was left of a wrecked lifeboat. He couldn’t remember what had happened, and couldn’t speak most languages anyway. The lifeboat was orcish though. All he can ever recall starts from this moment forward. Weeks went by out [Read the article]
Rodney Rivers, Bastard Son of Lord Vallen – Steal this Character
This character was created for play in the RPG game, A Song of Ice and Fire (by Robert J. Schwalb). Watch “Game of Thrones: The Complete First Season,” and you’ll be a fan for life. It’s quite understood that Rodney is the illegitimate son of Lord Vallen, and that he has sworn his sword to the family house out of duty to the house and [Read the article]