Making Monsters Memorable

 Posted by on December 20, 2010  Filed as: World-Building  5 Responses »  Topic(s):
Dec 202010
Making Monsters Memorable

Welcome Worldbuilder! I’m told that you want to make your monsters stand out from those of other crafters, that you want your fell creatures to still be known for what they are, yet also distinctive and refreshingly new. You also want them to be challenging and full of surprises for those who’ve studied them from other realms, yes? You have set a large task for [Read the article]

The Gamecraft 25: Backdrop Events

 Posted by on September 29, 2010  Filed as: World-Building  2 Responses »
Sep 292010
The Gamecraft 25: Backdrop Events

Last week’s Gamecraft 25 focused on interesting and distinctive locations for your adventures, this week we’re going to take a look at events as backdrops.  I created this list with the intention of using these as “window-dressing” for the scenario at hand; events that may help, hinder, or just add color and complication to the adventure.  As I looked at the list it became obvious [Read the article]

The Gamecraft 25: Distinctive Locations

 Posted by on September 22, 2010  Filed as: World-Building  7 Responses »
Sep 222010
The Gamecraft 25: Distinctive Locations

I’m a list guy.  I have shopping lists, to-do lists, and even gaming lists.  One of the resources I use most as a GM however is my list of adventure ideas and components.  Currently the list is about 15 pages long and divided into multiple categories such as Plot Twists, Memorable NPC’s, and Unusual Circumstances.  I thought I’d share parts of the list for you [Read the article]