RPG Kickstarters: June Roundup

 Posted by on June 10, 2015  Filed as: Editorial  2 Responses »  Topic(s):
Jun 102015
RPG Kickstarters: June Roundup

It seems like the number of RPG Kickstarters that interest me is declining. Not sure if that’s because there’s less RPG kickstarters generally or I’m becoming more picky. This month there’s only two, both ending shortly, be sure to check them out. Custom Pro Tabletop Audio Background Loops (Ends June 16, 2015) This Kickstarter is for professionally-produced audio backdrop loops for tabletop gaming. Each professionally designed and [Read the article]

Jun 092015
The Danger of "Everything You Know is Wrong"

You’re GMing when you’re struck with an awesome idea for a new setting or campaign.  This is so cool you simply can’t wait for the current campaign to end.  Instead, you throw the player characters into this new reality.  I call such sudden shifts Everything You Know Is Wrong (EYKIW), wherein everything both players’ and characters’ assumed about the universe and how it functions is [Read the article]

Jun 022015
Condition Markers are here!

Is your player character Blinded and Exhausted? Is the bad guy Nauseated? Keep track easily with our new Condition Markers! For the last few years, Our Mini Counters and Mini Markers have done pretty well, and I’m always getting compliments, praise, and thanks for selling them.  Well, an awesome returning customer asked if I could put together markers that would indicate conditions, and so I [Read the article]

May 312015
Gaming Life: Warhammer World – Session 2 – Investigating the Manor Staff

In our second session of Warhammer World, the heroes have just made it to the safety of the Grunewald Lodge’s walls and as the howling beastmen rage outside, they are ushered into the main building and, after a quick bath, meet with the current master of the house, Lord Aschaffenberg. A big burly man, he quietly reveals to the heroes that he suspects the staff is up to no [Read the article]

May 242015
Gaming Life: Warhammer World - Session 1 - A Beastly Discovery

Just in time to play, I had the first version of my new Warhammer World game ready to go. The players created their characters using random draws from the career deck and we have a Burgher (merchant), a Dilettante, a Soldier and a High Elf Performer. The group is travelling from Bögenhafen to Stromdorf in a carriage. The Burgher deals in rare weapons and is travelling [Read the article]

Warhammer Fantasy Reborn

 Posted by on May 23, 2015  Filed as: Editorial  No Responses »  Topic(s):
May 232015
Warhammer Fantasy Reborn

My favourite fantasy setting would be that of Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay. I remember discovering it when a friend ran a game of it at his house in my college days. Instead of the usual fighters, clerics, wizards and thieves, we were an odd collection of a burgher (merchant), a commoner, an apprentice wizard and me, a trapper. Instead of a trusty broadsword, I had a trap [Read the article]

May 172015
Gaming Life: Return to War of the Dead Finale

The other night we had our final game of the War of the Dead campaign. It’s rare that we finish a campaign, so this was a particular treat. We pick up with our heroes deep inside the Center for Disease Control Headquarters in Atlanta. They had just escaped the main control room for the self-destruct system before it was overrun with the living dead after fighting with soldiers [Read the article]

RPG Review: Hero Kids

 Posted by on May 9, 2015  Filed as: Reviews  No Responses »  Topic(s):
May 092015
RPG Review: Hero Kids

Like all gaming Dads, I want to introduce my hobby to a new generation of gamers. My daughter is nearing the age when I think she’ll be ready to play, but my nephew definitely has the skills (reading, math) to learn about role-playing. So, I scoured the web for different options (there are a number) and decided to try out Hero Kids. I picked up the [Read the article]

Apr 292015
Gaming Life: Return to War of the Dead - Going Nuclear

We’re closing in on the finale of our Savage Worlds War of the Dead campaign. We pick up with our heroes after they escaped the relocation camp run by the army just outside and broke into the CDC buildings. There, they are greeted by a few of the surviving employees and brought down into one of the sub-levels of the CDC Headquarters in Atlanta. In a situation room, [Read the article]

Apr 172015
Confessions of a Kickstarter Junkie: April Roundup and Retrospective

There’s only one Kickstarter that I’m currently backing this month and I haven’t seen any others that have caught my eye enough to warrant an honourable mention. So, I’m going to cover the one I am backing and then review how Kickstarter has worked for me over the last few years that I’ve been backing projects. RPG Card Decks: NPCs, Creature Ecologies, Adventures (ends April 21) RPG card decks: one [Read the article]