We’re looking for trap encounters to post. Will yours be the best?
We raised $140… for the “Are you my Mummy” Vijay Fundraiser!
Bale Highwarden… The Prisoner Still Seeking Redemption – steal this character
I want more stuff
Kaplen Applewood, the Urban Barbarian – Steal this Background
“For five years I followed orders, raged, and killed. I guess they thought I had enough, or were tired of trying to control me in their secret camps. I was “discharged” last year. I reported to some fancy officer in robes. He was supposed to erase my memories, I think. Didn’t work though. He was too drunk to do the job proper.”
SMITE: My Current Obsession
International Tabletop Day! All profits here go to a fundraiser!
If you were thinking of getting any gaming accessories, now is the time to do it, because all of our profits will be going to Vijay… Ok, so I don’t know Vijay personally, but I do know that he’s a gamer (he’s contributed two posts here at the Shack – one was for a contest, and the other was just because he had something to [Read the article]
Diss Organized Play
When I review the event listings at the conventions, there are always games that catch my attention, sometimes by the title, sometimes by the blurb, and sometimes by the level (when I foolishly decide I’d really like to play in a 27th level game). Then I realize this game that caused a lovely tingle in my lobes is all kinds of RPGA (Living Forgotten Realms, Living Divine, Ashes of Athas), and I do my best impression of Eeyore: “Looks like a good game. Guess I can’t play in it…”