Apr 152014
Kaplen Applewood, the Urban Barbarian - Steal this Background

“For five years I followed orders, raged, and killed. I guess they thought I had enough, or were tired of trying to control me in their secret camps. I was “discharged” last year. I reported to some fancy officer in robes. He was supposed to erase my memories, I think. Didn’t work though. He was too drunk to do the job proper.”

SMITE: My Current Obsession

 Posted by on April 9, 2014  Filed as: Reviews  2 Responses »  Topic(s):
Apr 092014
SMITE: My Current Obsession

For the last few months I’ve been delving in and out of the MOBA genre looking for something that can scratch the particular itch for online competition and recurring fun. I think I may have found it…

Apr 042014
The "Are you my mummy?" Vijay Copay Fundraiser!

If you were thinking of getting any gaming accessories, now is the time to do it, because all of our profits will be going to Vijay… Ok, so I don’t know Vijay personally, but I do know that he’s a gamer (he’s contributed two posts here at the Shack – one was for a contest, and the other was just because he had something to [Read the article]

Diss Organized Play

 Posted by on April 2, 2014  Filed as: Editorial  6 Responses »  Topic(s): ,
Apr 022014
Diss Organized Play

When I review the event listings at the conventions, there are always games that catch my attention, sometimes by the title, sometimes by the blurb, and sometimes by the level (when I foolishly decide I’d really like to play in a 27th level game). Then I realize this game that caused a lovely tingle in my lobes is all kinds of RPGA (Living Forgotten Realms, Living Divine, Ashes of Athas), and I do my best impression of Eeyore: “Looks like a good game. Guess I can’t play in it…”