Charisma Keller

Charisma is a self-proclaimed Gran Tourismo champion, and swears that it’s official (or that it should be). She loves strength and beauty, so she usually tries to combine the two. Her characters are confident, humble, foolish, and heroic, and has named at least two of them after her favorite drink, the Lemon Drop. Oh yeah, her favorite muscle car would be the 67 GT-500E.

Oct 042017
Damn.  $528 Bundle for only $25.  Let's help with Hurricane Relief.

106 products for only $25.  That’s 95% off.  Need we say more? “Puerto Rico was devastated by Hurricane Maria a few short weeks ago, and is in dire need of humanitarian assistance and relief. We’ve organized this bundle to provide what help we can. The proceeds for this bundle will be going entirely to GlobalGiving’s Puerto Rico and Caribbean Hurricane Relief Fund.” Also, if you [Read the article]

Sep 082017
$420 Bundle for just $25...

Isn’t the RPG community awesome?  You can always count on them to step up when needed.  Check out this bundle… It’s the “Hurricane Harvey Relief Charity Bundle.” “Hurricane Harvey, the most powerful hurricane to hit the continental US in a decade, has devastated the Texas Gulf Coast. In Houston alone, it has dropped over 2 feet of rain (and counting). FEMA estimates that 30,000 people may [Read the article]

May 102017
BANNED!... or not?  Guarding Galaxy XXX...

Have you heard the hoopla?  Kort’thalis Publishing came out with a scenario for their flagship game, Alpha Blue.  However, there may have been a few people (namely OneBookShelf) who thought that “Guardians of Galaxy XXX” sounded a little too familiar to a certain current big budget movie.  I guess that after some words between parties… yelling, fighting, lasers, and ‘splosions, both sides came to an [Read the article]

Fostering Trust In Your Players

 Posted by on January 21, 2017  Filed as: Better Gameplay?  9 Responses »  Topic(s):
Jan 212017
Fostering Trust In Your Players

It’s throwback-time, where we revisit an awesome article from years ago… I have not played in many groups.  That stands to reason that I have also not experienced many GMs.  However, even with this shortfall, I feel that I have learned, like tons, from my current GM, which has made me appreciate “the game” more and more.  One thing that is just such a breath of fresh [Read the article]

Jan 052017
The GM is not a player, or is he?

It’s Throwback-Thursday, where we revisit an awesome article from years ago… You know the drill: A group of gamers get together, one’s a GM and the rest of us are players. The GM makes the monsters – we kill them. He makes the NPCs – we steal from them. He makes the traps – we get trapped by them. He designs the adventures – we [Read the article]

The Friendly Bar Room Brawl

 Posted by on November 2, 2011  Filed as: Steal this Encounter  6 Responses »
Nov 022011
The Friendly Bar Room Brawl

*Edit: This awesome encounter has been revised. Go here to check it out! How many times have you watched a bar room brawl on TV and thought, “Cool. Too bad it doesn’t happen like that in real life.”? Well, I usually say, “Cool. Too bad it doesn’t happen like that in RPGs.” Now it does! Introducing the Friendly Bar Room Brawl! Use this encounter any [Read the article]

PVP is cool. …I mean, NOT cool.

 Posted by on January 29, 2011  Filed as: Better Gameplay?  16 Responses »  Topic(s):
Jan 292011
PVP is cool. ...I mean, NOT cool.

When I sit down at a gaming table, I want to crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of their women… err I mean, I just watched Conan the Barbarian and felt tingles in my wingles.  What a great movie, right?  And the music, inspiring. Anyway, as I was saying, when I sit down at the gaming table, I want to [Read the article]