I have a secret. Outside of Stuffer Shack, Critical Hits might just be my favorite gaming blog. With a good group of writers, ranging from industry professionals to gaming enthusiasts, there is always a nice mix of articles to read. To be fair, I have only been reading online for about a year, but I continue to find myself gravitating back toward Critical Hits – they just [Read the article]
About a month ago I got a request to do a review for a new game, Zombie Cataclysm. I thought, “Sweet! Someone values my opinion, finally!” Then I thought, “Oh crap, what if I don’t like it? Can I do a negative review?” Then I said, “Sweet! Someone values my opinion, finally!” In the end, I just said to myself that I didn’t know the [Read the article]
Please enjoy this video tutorial. It’s my first, as well as a recreation of my first 3D Battlemap. The original was used in a 4E D&D game as a warehouse/living space for a dwarf merchant. The PCs had to meet with the merchant on the loft when the place was stormed. The players loved the encounter, and I’ll never forget it. ITEMS USED: This 3D Battlemap uses [Read the article]
Wouldn’t it be cool to have your funniest gaming story told as a web comic? The Cleric Goes Demon! There are plenty of webcomics out there, but few display YOUR story. Actually, I only know of one, and that’s XP – the Webcomic you share with Kyle Ferrin. All you have to do is go to his site, leave a comment, and if he can [Read the article]
Let me tell you about my first convention: I was in middle school at the time, and I walked through some sci-fi thingy where they had a bunch of stuff that I can’t remember. Cool, huh? I remember not really being all that impressed. Actually, I was downright disappointed. You see, I like comics, and had a good collection of X-men stuff, Spiderman stuff, Conan stuff, [Read the article]
When dealing with races in the Classic Fantasy setting, we look at taking certain D&D 4e races and reflavoring them into elves. After this, we’ll be converting dwarves, and then halflings. When that part of the series is finished, we’ll look into making certain monsters more monstrous, and then give some ideas on the setting itself. For each of the following racial or subracial choices, [Read the article]
When it comes to the online gaming ‘verse, I’m practically a baby. It seems like everyday I find a new gamer blog that peaks my interest. Even if some of these blogs have been around for years, and have tons of readers, they’re still new to me. Grognardia is one of these blogs. I came across it a few months ago, immediately fell in love [Read the article]
In many fantasy games (especially D&D 4e), the setting includes a wide array of races for players to choose from. By limiting the race selection to only a few base races (human, elf, dwarf, and halfling), you can bring back a more traditional and realistic feeling to the setting. Now, understanding that variety is the spice of life, we don’t want to limit the racial [Read the article]
For the longest time, I’ve meant to get some dice from Q-Workshop, but I kept putting it off. Then I read a great review by Bartoneus about them and I was sold. So, I made my order, got my dice, and couldn’t be happier. Then, I was talking to my buddy Mateusz over there in Poland (all of us internet dudes are buddies, right?) and [Read the article]
When I buy the horses for the Horse Mini sets and Adventurer’s Bundles, they come in assorted packs (I can’t buy several of the same horse; I have to buy the whole set). Because of this, I have to sell them in assorted sets – otherwise I would end up with a shortage of certain horses and a surplus of others. Several customers have asked [Read the article]