*Edit: This awesome encounter has been revised. Go here to check it out! How many times have you watched a bar room brawl on TV and thought, “Cool. Too bad it doesn’t happen like that in real life.”? Well, I usually say, “Cool. Too bad it doesn’t happen like that in RPGs.” Now it does! Introducing the Friendly Bar Room Brawl! Use this encounter any [Read the article]
My group is getting ready to wrap up our Warhammer Fantasy game, and embark on a brave new endeavor of John Lewis’: playing Warhammer 40K: Rogue Trader using a homebrew rules set. John has always used published rules sets, published settings and homebrew settings. This experience will truly be a first for me, but one that I am looking forward to (I’ll tell you more [Read the article]
Telling stories is an art that has been with us as far back as cavemen drawing on cavern walls with mud and blood. Since that time, the art has expanded through different mediums – from cave paintings to verbal orations, ballads, poems, sculptures and hieroglyphs, plays, books, movies and yes, role-playing games. It has also evolved through the use of several different literary tools – [Read the article]
“Read This or Die!” Immersing Your Players in a Rich Campaign Setting
You’re getting ready to run a game for your favorite gaming group. The setting you want to use is one of the richest published settings you’ve ever used (Star Wars, Eberron, Dresden Files, Warhammer 40k, etc.). You’ve got an idea for an epic story that is going to touch on many themes of the setting, and hopefully culminate into an “Oh, wow… that was incredible!!” [Read the article]
Gaming has always been a passion of mine. I’d call it a hobby, but I think that doesn’t do it justice. Much of the draw of gaming isn’t just being on table; it’s having access to the community which surrounds every RPG out there. But that’s the hard part, getting connected with the community, and then finding the right people in that community to game [Read the article]
Klaus Eagle is a proud warrior priest, devout and unrelenting. He charges fiercely into combat with every intention of smiting the enemy, or die trying. He’s young, eager to prove his worth (perhaps a little too eager), and has a very black and white view of the world. As a warrior priest of Sigmar, he favors the great hammer, heavy armor, his prayer book, and [Read the article]
I like the hobby of RP gaming, partly because I get to hang out with friends, but mostly because I get to experience what it’s like to be in an action movie, fighting ‘real’ bad guys (and sometimes good guys). However… In the beginning, my combat turn went something like this: I attack the orc. I rolled a 19. Does that hit? I rolled 12 [Read the article]
I hate to be the nay sayer here, especially since I love shiny new books as much as the next gamer. However, some experiences in my Friday night L5R game has brought to light a few issues that can come up with switching to a new edition in your game. Now, from the company’s stand point, a new edition is great. Odds are that most [Read the article]
You hear it all the time: “Don’t make promises you can’t keep.” You know it’s good advice; what you may not realize is that it applies to your GMing, as well as to your life. “But I haven’t promised anything!” you protest. Think again. We make promises to our players all the time without realizing it. Do you ask your players to provide a character [Read the article]
When I started reading gaming blogs a while back, I wasn’t really expecting much from them, and I thought there would be only a few of them. Boy was I wrong… on both counts! The Other Side blog was one of the first RPG blogs I visited, and I have to say that I got hooked. I can’t really explain it, but I keep finding [Read the article]