There isn’t much music out there about the hobby that we all love, so when some does come along, it deserves a shout out. The Angryfolk Band have released a new album of gaming songs, Once Upon a Tavern. Note that this isn’t isn’t background music for games, but rather songs about tabletop gaming. The Band features Stu from the Happyjacks RPG podcast, giving it true gamer streetcred. [Read the article]
Feb 112015
Dec 292014
Dragon Age: Inquisition has a lot riding on it, no doubt of that. As the third entry in the Dragon Age saga, continuing the story of the fan favorite Dragon Age: Origins and the underrated follow up Dragon Age 2: The Sequel (no that is not the actual title come on guys), Inquisition has a solid foundation to build on. The question is, can it [Read the article]
Nov 042014
Aug 222014
SMITE: My Current Obsession
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Apr 092014
Review: Wreck Age RPG
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Mar 272014
Mar 172014
Played: Kingdom Rush
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Feb 262014
Feb 242014
Feb 122014