Jun 072010
Classic Fantasy - Character Concepts and 4e Magic items

Tired of characters lugging around magic items as if they were mundane pieces of gear?  This article will fix that, assuming you adopt the Classic Fantasy setting and apply it to your campaign.  In this article, you’ll see how different types of characters gain the benefits of a normally 4e magic-equipped character, without actually carrying around all those magic items.  Now, magic items are truly [Read the article]

Jun 032010
I wanna be bad! Playing in an evil PC game.

I am a huge “Breaking Bad” fan. For those of you who haven’t heard of the show, it follows Walter White, a high school chemistry teacher who contracts cancer.  In order to try to take care of his family and his own medical bills, Walter turns to cooking crystal meth.  The show intimately follows his decent from humble family man to a drug kingpin. And, do [Read the article]

Minotaur Contest Winners!

 Posted by on June 2, 2010  Filed as: Contests  5 Responses »
Jun 022010
Minotaur Contest Winners!

It’s time to announce the winners for the Minotaur contest! Before we begin, let me throw a couple of things out there.  First, none of the Steal This… entries from the authors of Stuffer Shack were considered; only readers.  Secondly, none of the pictures accompanying the entries had any influence; only content was considered.   Now, with that being said, here they are: 3rd place wins [Read the article]

May 312010
Party on the Run - Steal This Party Background

Many times, we gamers will come up with nice detailed backgrounds for our personal PC’s that may or may not work with either the DM’s vision or the desires of the rest of the party. Sometimes coming up with a background for the party before finalizing characters can make some of the choices for roleplaying more intuitive, and allow for greater party cohesion. At the [Read the article]

Rules Lawyers – Raising the Bar

 Posted by on May 30, 2010  Filed as: Better Gameplay?  6 Responses »  Topic(s):
May 302010
Rules Lawyers - Raising the Bar

The rules lawyer knows the ins and outs of the game system like I know the curves of every turn in Gran Tourismo. It’s their specialty, their baby, their forte. Give them the opportunity to throttle into the turn… er, I mean spout out a rule infraction, and they take it. Meaning, the referee is not always the gamemaster. On my first session with a [Read the article]

May 262010
Classic Fantasy, Make Your Fantasy Setting Fantastic

I once introduced a magic item to the group, gave it a name, gave it a backstory, impressed how the item was somehow important, and then gave it to a player character.  Before the end of the session, the player was trying to get rid of it so that he could get two other magical items. So, magic in 4E is plentiful.  I can dig it.  [Read the article]

May 242010
Xanthippe, the Minotauress Bodyguard - Steal this NPC

“Stop right there. I have killed twenty eight people who have threatened my charge.  Do not force me to make it twenty nine. My eyes are up here.” Description: Standing 3 meters (9’10”) tall and heavily built, her fur and underlying skin are a dark tan and decorated by a wide variety of scars.  Her eyes are a brown so dark they appear black.  Her [Read the article]

Adding Flavor to the Bard

 Posted by on May 24, 2010  Filed as: Character-Building  4 Responses »  Topic(s):
May 242010
Adding Flavor to the Bard

I’ve always liked the idea of the bard, not because of what he can do in terms of game mechanics, but because of what he can do in the game.  Simply expanding the perception of the bard just a little bit can greatly expand the gamer’s experience.  Let’s take a look at the two most traditional roles a bard can assume in any fantasy setting: [Read the article]

May 212010
Moonhaven Encounter - Steal this Adventure

As the party stepped off the ship, their attention was diverted from the small port city they’d just arrived in to the sheer, black obsidian face of the mountain that formed the eastern and southern boundary of the city proper.  The massive stone walls on the northern and western side of the city were nearly as intimidating, as were the huge stone gates that granted [Read the article]

May 202010
Tarick Flameborne, the Deva Dragonborn - Steal this NPC

Tarick Flameborne Deva Dragonborn Hybrid Wizard/Monk-2 Tarick’s first memories were of flying, riding the winds on vast wings of bone, sinew and flesh. When the memories came he was 2 years old, and wingless. Throughout his life, Tarick has had dreams of a life as a dragon – not a mere land-bound Dragonborn, but a full, fire-breathing awe-inspiring master of all, a mighty Red Dragon [Read the article]