Brian Liberge

Brian Liberge is a father of one, living in Boston, MA. Introduced to AD&D at an early age, he’s continued to update with the editions, and new games. He loves home-brewed ideas, is honest to a fault, and thinks that ideas and mechanics should absolutely be shared between systems. With a B.S. Degree in Theatre Arts, a job in Information Technology, and a love of strategy gaming, he tries to bring the best of each into his new creations for StufferShack. Check out his latest book the Midgard Bestiary for 4e, available now. Profile Page / Article Portfolio

Love and Hate of Epic Tier

 Posted by on February 20, 2012  Filed as: Editorial  6 Responses »
Feb 202012
Love and Hate of Epic Tier

Monte Cook’s latest Legends & Lore article hit with some thoughts on Epic Tier Play. It was short, had some polls, and seemed almost like he was just checking in with people or thinking out loud. Pretty common for one of those articles. The Internet loves to pick these articles apart then roll around in a boil of hatred. I usually don’t have the same [Read the article]

Gnoll Racial Powers

 Posted by on February 13, 2012  Filed as: Steal this Enemy  No Responses »
Feb 132012
Gnoll Racial Powers

Racial utility powers are a relatively new mechanic, introduced in Heroes of Shadow. They grant your PCs a dynamic way to make their race interesting throughout the tiers of play. The team at Wizards of the Coast have been releasing new racial powers for the classic races through the DDI. Some races seem to have a better chance of being selected over others, which is [Read the article]

Jan 302012
Critical Failures And Magical Mishaps

Everyone loves magical items. Whether they’re common or rare, equipping yourself with the latest Flaming Sword or Circlet of Mental Might is part of the fun of playing. The abilities these items grant make you feel like that powerful fantasy hero you love being. We all love winning, but one of the best parts of Dungeons & Dragons is that failure can be just as [Read the article]

Jan 192012
How to Tame your Dragon Mount

Riding dragons is one of those ultimate staples of fantasy, but tabletop gamers with a little experience may view it as unrealistic. Dragons are intelligent, proud and very powerful. It would be very difficult to convince one to serve as your mount for a short time, and likely require a very dire situation. To gain one as a companion seems practically impossible, not to mention [Read the article]

The State of the Brian

 Posted by on January 10, 2012  Filed as: Editorial  4 Responses »
Jan 102012
The State of the Brian

As I begin to write this, it’s Monday, January 9th, 2012. This morning, the next edition of Dungeons & Dragons was announced. In the shower, I found myself getting stressed out about all the projects I had up in the air. I realized that this affects me in a way that’s more than just being a fan of a game.This post is not about 5e [Read the article]

Dec 282011
Weeping Angels - Steal This Monster

The Weeping Angels are an alien race developed for and featured in the current run of Doctor Who. The version presented here has been slightly altered in order to create a compelling 4th edition combatant. “Don’t blink. Blink and you’re dead. Don’t turn your back. Don’t look away. And don’t blink. Good Luck.” – The Doctor. The Weeping Angels are one of the oldest races [Read the article]

Designing Fantasy Cities: Residents

 Posted by on December 23, 2011  Filed as: World-Building  2 Responses »
Dec 232011
Designing Fantasy Cities: Residents

This article builds off the concepts presented in Designing Fantasy Cities: Purpose. When we talk about who lives in a town or city, the first thing that often comes to mind is race. This isn’t a bad thing, as that often links back to culture in fantasy. Dwarves live differently than elves. It may make us all fictional bigots to think that way, but its useful, [Read the article]

Dec 072011
Rollin the Hunter - Steal this Enemy

“Curses take many forms. The seemingly impossible quest of a fey lord can puzzle PCs and send them on far reaching quests, or the scarring hex of a hag could totally change the way a hero is viewed, both by others and personally. The curse of lycanthropy is particularly well familar, and tales tell of those strong enough to break through the curse, and command their new forms, [Read the article]

Dec 012011
Favorite Site of the Month: Dec/2011

Daily Encounter started as a useful site, presenting easy to incorporate encounters, often complete with maps and stat blocks. It has blossomed into and incredible resource over the last few months as John Pope has added a number of new designers to his list of authors (a few of which have also been highlighted by Each week they present new and flavorful elements to add [Read the article]

Nov 302011
Vampire Theme (for your character)

I, like many people I’ve spoken to, were disappointed with the new vampire option presented in Heroes of Shadow. It’s not in fault to the mechanics. They feature excellent flavor and a fun balancing act of healing with limited healing surges. It’s not the fact that we already had vampire-esque options in the form of feats. I certainly don’t have a problem with such a [Read the article]