Brian Liberge

Brian Liberge is a father of one, living in Boston, MA. Introduced to AD&D at an early age, he’s continued to update with the editions, and new games. He loves home-brewed ideas, is honest to a fault, and thinks that ideas and mechanics should absolutely be shared between systems. With a B.S. Degree in Theatre Arts, a job in Information Technology, and a love of strategy gaming, he tries to bring the best of each into his new creations for StufferShack. Check out his latest book the Midgard Bestiary for 4e, available now. Profile Page / Article Portfolio

Charmed Hero

 Posted by on November 2, 2011  Filed as: Steal this Background  1 Response »
Nov 022011
Charmed Hero

The following is a theme for Dungeons and Dragons, 4th edition. Presented as part of the ‘A Night in Lonesome October’ Blog Carnival. Some people are born great, some achieve greatness, and some are just surrounded by abyssal horrors! Fantasy is filled with examples of heroes who aren’t smarter, faster or stronger than everyone else, they’re just in the wrong place at the wrong time. [Read the article]

Doctor (W)hats: Steal this Item

 Posted by on November 2, 2011  Filed as: Steal this Item  1 Response »
Nov 022011
Doctor (W)hats: Steal this Item

They say the clothes make the man. This is of course, ridiculous. Imagine clothes making people! Don’t be absurd. However, sometimes a key article can make the man all the more exciting, inspiring or creative. Clothes are fun, especially when there’s magic involved. Nobody knows the value of a proper accessory more then the Doctor. With the recent season closer, we present to you a [Read the article]

Jun 172011
The Dark Veil Campaign Arc - A Review!

I have recently had the privilege to read through two adventures from Blackbyrne Publishing – The Hidden Current and The Manor of Deceit. These are the first two adventures in the Dark Veil Campaign Arc, written for Dungeons and Dragons 4th Edition. I received them as part of a contest the publisher was running as a random drawing among their twitter followers. In case you [Read the article]

May 312011
Negotiations at the Temple of Blood - Steal this Encounter

In an abandoned village, off a road rarely traveled, rests a temple forgotten by all but a select few. The temple was once a place dedicated to the gods of good and protection, and in such a small community, it served as the center of daily life. These days it only sees activity two nights a month. That is when the vampire lord Andragen conducts business. [Read the article]

Psychic Paper – Steal this Item

 Posted by on May 30, 2011  Filed as: Steal this Item  2 Responses »  Topic(s):
May 302011
Psychic Paper - Steal this Item

Today in the United States we are celebrating Memorial Day. We were going to delay our next article until Tuesday. However, I was recently speaking with Jared Von Hindman (the weird D&D art guy) about how release schedules are unfair internationally. We here at believe that we should all be able to watch and read the best geek content with relative equality. In the [Read the article]

May 232011
Cybermen - Steal this Monster

“They’ve had all their humanity taken away. That’s a living brain jammed inside a cybernetic body, with a heart of steel. All emotions removed.” –The Doctor (Rise of the Cybermen, 2005) Download the PDF of this article, here. Cybermen are a staple villain in Doctor Who, second only to the Daleks and possibly The Master. We’ve seen several different variations of these metal monstrosities over [Read the article]

May 202011
Alternative Awards – Leveling the Dire Wolf

In Dungeons & Dragons 4th edition (as with many RPGs) your expected treasure is factored in when determining difficulty. To say it another way, when designing monsters of a certain level, designers have a rough idea of what a player’s attack, damage and defenses are at this level. To reach this approximation, they factor in average equipment values. They expect for you to have that [Read the article]

May 162011
Plot Heavy Patrons - Snakes

Dungeons & Dragons, 4th Edition loves patrons. Not only are they built right into the mechanics of the Warlock, but there is also a great deal of fluff devoted to gods and primal powers. In this article, we’ll present three patrons to use in your campaign, with motivations for players and greater complexity for DMs. Jazirian The Lawful Good god of Community, Peace and Learning [Read the article]

Serpent Student

 Posted by on May 9, 2011  Filed as: Steal this Background  2 Responses »
May 092011
Serpent Student

In isolated communities, small villages, and nomadic tribes, the study and reverence of animals is often a central component of daily life. Their image mark walls, tools and clothing. Their actions are told in stories passed down through the ages. By watching, respecting and emulating the animals around them, many have seized upon techniques that astound outsiders. So is the way of the Serpent Student. [Read the article]