It was three earthen years after Obad-Hai’s death, before any proper link was known to the infernal hells. Asmodeus, in his scheming, offered up the archdevil Levistus to take the fall. While the gods bickered among themselves as to the proper course of actions, more powers were drawn in, while others fell to hidden blades. The Divine War raged, they entered all the planes, and [Read the article]
I love Doctor Who quite a bit. It provides elements of fantasy, science fiction, adventure, humor and historical fiction in an almost hap-hazardously creative fashion. I also like to blend many of these genres into my Dungeons and Dragons home campaign. When one of my players approached me, saying that he wanted his new character in the campaign to be The Doctor, I assumed he meant that the character [Read the article]
Male Character? Female Character? What’s The Difference?
Adding to the Prize Pool…
This contest has ended. Here are the results! So, it’s Friday, which means there are three more days of open submissions for our RPG Site of the Year contest! In addition to the prize pool shown further down the page, I think it would be cool if we included the following two 3D Terrain set pieces: The Portal and the Tower Ruins. THE PRIZES All [Read the article]
Looking for a little inspiration for your game? How about sssssnakes? It seems that snakes have been a part of every culture across the globe, most notably for their role in religeon and mythology, astronomy, cryptography, music, and film. It only makes sense that the subject of snakes can have an impact on your game. In the second week of May (9th – 15th), we’ll have a [Read the article]
Often when we name a place in a campaign setting, we pick something that “sounds cool,” whether cool is an evocative name like “Dark Skull Peak” or just a combination of sounds that sounds neat. While this will usually work fine, if you’re trying to make a given fantasy culture feel exotic or foreign, it helps to make the names of things match both the [Read the article]
This contest has ended. Here are the results! Got an RPG website/blog that you’d like to enter into our free contest? Well then, go ahead! We opened for submissions one week ago, and there’s only one week remaining. After that, the judging starts, and no more sites will be admitted. Entry is free, the requirements are easy to meet, and all blogs are on equal [Read the article]
This entry is based on Open Game Content by Netherworks. Read more about this collaboration, and see more interpretations, here. Fools misjudge the odd looking Calis at first sight. The odd form of bird and man can seem almost comical. While they are certainly not the smartest creatures, they should not be underestimated. Their weapons are not for show, and they follow orders with [Read the article]
I have a confession to make. This isn’t really a new monster. Much like the designers of the Monster Vault, I’ve taken a creature’s stat block from an existing product and tried to work out its flaws. I’ve renamed the creature primarily to keep the differing stats straight, but I don’t recommend using the previous stat block. The creature I am referring to is the Larva Mage, from the [Read the article]