Dec 102014
(Digital?) Storytelling: Lessons from Interactive Fiction and Tabletop Gaming

Only a year or two after I started GM’ing seriously, I got involved in Interactive Fiction (often abbreviated as “IF”) writing with a cyberpunk adventure game called Orchestra. My crummy setting naming skills and limitations of the platform I was building it on notwithstanding, it received generally positive feedback from the people who came to play it, and the things that players recounted to me [Read the article]

Feb 282014
Core Elements of Great Games: Engagement

Engagement is key whenever one designs an entertainment experience. As a writer, I can testify for the fact that something that is boring won’t get read. Great games are made by people that recognize this concept and apply it to its fullest. The core principle behind engagement is the idea that players should always be focusing on the current action or a future action…

Getting Women To The Table

 Posted by on February 3, 2014  Filed as: Better Gameplay?  5 Responses »
Feb 032014
Getting Women To The Table

One of the things I’ve often been asked as a somewhat experienced GM who’s run games with lots of players is “How do I get girls interested in my games?” It’s an interesting question, and one that can be really quite painful…

Jan 212014
Running a one-shot RPG, and then fail happened

I had only a couple of days to get ready for this game, so I tried to squeeze as much as I could. I had been mulling over a new fantasy setting in my head for awhile, one that was influenced heavily by religion, so I figured that this was a perfect time to test it out. Unfortunately, it was the beginning of a long list of mistakes…