I enjoy movies like Legion, Hackers, Underworld, and Solomon Kane, and I enjoy games like Leverage, Spycraft, Cyberpunk, and Shadowrun. So, to see a game like Olympus, Inc. getting Kickstarted, well, just sort of makes my day…
For a limited time, Schwalb Entertainment’s cool and new Shadow of the Demon Lord and three supplements are available for a very awesome bundle price. Get it all here for $9.95, or read below for more info… SHADOW OF THE DEMON LORD The End Is Just the Beginning Sometimes the world needs heroes. But in the desperation of these last days, the world will take [Read the article]
This winter, my gaming group is exploring adventures from the now-defunct third edition of Warhammer Fantasy Role-play series using my own custom “Warhammer World” game system. The system has been working well for us, already working on the third revision, but for this review, I will be reviewing The Winds of Change adventure from the perspective of how much fun it could be for your own table, game system [Read the article]
As a long-time gamer and a father of a six year old daughter, I’ve been wanting to introduce her to role-playing games for a long six years, and although I’ve tried a couple times rolling dice with her to decide where the story we’re telling goes, I hadn’t tried running an actual game for her and her friends, until now.
My favourite day of the year is Halloween and horror is my favourite RPG genre. So, it’s probably not surprising that I generally run something horror themed around Halloween. Very often, I create something original to run for Halloween. Last year I created Arkham Halloween, a scenario in which you play ten year olds on Halloween night, intent on investigating a creepy old guy and his [Read the article]
Let’s talk about the rules of Fight Club. Or rather, since we’re not supposed to talk about Fight Club, let’s talk about grappling rules in RPGs. Every game covers unarmed combat, which is often stated as the base damage you can inflict without adding weapon damage, but how to quantify and adjudicate grappling in games is either glossed over completely or wrapped up in a confusing [Read the article]
The last RPGaDay question for this year asks what was my favourite non-RPG thing to come from RPGing? The friendships that I’ve made through gaming tops the list for me. Many of my closest friends come out of gaming together through the years. That is something that I would sorely miss if I had not played RPGs.