Conventionally Speaking, Part 1

 Posted by on August 11, 2014  Filed as: Editorial  4 Responses »  Topic(s): ,
Aug 112014
Conventionally Speaking, Part 1

Lock Up Your Daughters!

A few weeks ago, my wife drove me and my 15-year old daughter, Rachel, to attend the mega-monster-sprawling gaming-anime-cosplay cradle of chaos called ConnectiCon. This would be my third consecutive year, but it was Rachel’s first, and by the way, her first convention of any kind, ever…

The Utopia – Steal this Trap

 Posted by on July 24, 2014  Filed as: Steal this Trap  No Responses »
Jul 242014
The Utopia - Steal this Trap

This is an entry for a contest – tell us about one of your traps…!

So, the PCs entered the place, spent some time there, began to feel like at home. After 5 or 6 sessions the players thought they were supposed to move, and that’s when the Trap sprung.