Nov 022011
We're back! (what REALLY happened)

Anyone can take out the lone zombie. It’s slow and stupid, and since they’re already dead, you should have no qualms about turning its head into a canoe. Just watch any of the various zombie-killing training videos (Zombies on Broadway, Shaun of the Dead, Zombieland, etc.) and you’ll see what I mean. The real problem is dealing with a zombie horde, and really, your best [Read the article]

Sep 092011

As a generic rule-set, Strands of FATE is a fully functioning game system lacking only two ingredients: (1) a creative gaming group, and (2) a setting in which to play. I can’t help much with the former ingredient, that’s up to you, but I can assist with the latter. Many of you out there who’ve picked up Strands of FATE (or any of the other [Read the article]