Imagine the scene: You’re playing the uber-cool DEATHWATCH, more specifically, larger-than-life ultra-high-tech space marines. You carry ultra-cool equipment, like bad-ass armor, a super-cool machine-gun, and jump-jets that help you run faster, leap over obstacles, and even fly. Oh, and don’t forget about your ability to sustain your daily nutritional requirements from your built-in ever-efficient “Waste Recycling” system (yeah, you read that right). You’re fighting hordes of [Read the article]
Written by Charisma Keller and Dixon Trimline. To quote an article by Dixon Trimline that I love very much (the article, not Dixon Trimline… ok, and Dixon Trimline), “The power gamer is earnest in his approach to the game, in the same way that an evangelical is earnest about saving souls.” Such a player will look at the stat for Charisma and ask, “What good [Read the article]
Mmmm… Pretty
One of the things that I love about putting up Stuffer Shack is that I spend more time in the gaming’verse. I had no idea that there were so many websites and blogs dedicated to geekery and gaming. It’s like I’ve been adventuring for years and have finally found the treasure. Well, part of that treasure is GM Oracle “your daily source for fantasy roleplaying [Read the article]
Every role-player has games that just sit there on the bookshelf. They lurk, their spines staring accusingly at you as you pass. “Why won’t you play me?” they mutely inquire. You know you want to. But still you don’t, and apart from their annual lift off the shelf for one more guilty read-through, they remain alone and unloved. Perhaps it’s because of an inability to [Read the article]
One of the great things about the gaming community is our desire to share resources. These pictures were sent in by Roland Chambers with just that intention. I especially love when bushes and trees are added – that’s just the right touch (and something I have yet to do effectively). What do you guys think? Should we start up some sort of tutorial series? To [Read the article]
The Cultists of Jebus Kristo are a home-brewed religion that I often make use of for playing in D&D 3.5. They are an odd bunch. A DM might use them as a traveling people, or as a specific sect within a town with a unique role to play in the campaign. Almost always though, they are used to break up the normal monotony of the [Read the article]
3D Encounter Sets
So, you’re sitting there, squinting over your DM shield with dice in hand, your books, spells, and monsters pre-sorted – all to aid in the fabrication of the epic marvel of a session you have thought out for the last week to place before your fellow gamers. You glance up and are forced to a sudden reality. You realize that your party consists of the [Read the article]
I’m a very visual gamer – I like me some props, pics, and 3d battle maps. Here are some 3D terrain battle maps that I’ve created over the past couple of years, originally posted over at Roleplaying Pro. John Lewis also makes excellent 3D battle maps, so hopefully more will be posted by him. Pretty cool, huh?