The Loreshapers Tabletop Game Design Contest is about making fun tabletop roleplaying games for the masses. The contest has two parts, a 24-hour game component and a 72-hour game component. Stuffer Shack is sponsoring the contest, which means we’re providing two prizes (gift cards to either Amazon, DrivethruRPG, or our very own Store). The contest theme will be announced on January 1st here in the [Read the article]
(Digital?) Storytelling: Lessons from Interactive Fiction and Tabletop Gaming
Only a year or two after I started GM’ing seriously, I got involved in Interactive Fiction (often abbreviated as “IF”) writing with a cyberpunk adventure game called Orchestra. My crummy setting naming skills and limitations of the platform I was building it on notwithstanding, it received generally positive feedback from the people who came to play it, and the things that players recounted to me [Read the article]
Gunston Croan, the Ex-Hellknight Scrapper – Steal this Background
As a young lad, Gunston Croan couldn’t wait to join the Order of the Pike. In fact, he AND his brother trained like fiends to become Hellknights. When the order came looking for “volunteers,” the paralictor nearly choked on his own spit as he saw the two brothers eagerly step forward. Soon after training began, Gunston started having second thoughts – sparring against a summoned devil was not his idea of how a lawful order should operate. Regardless, there was no way out – he would just have to deal with it…