The big game is coming up and you need a different adventure for your group of experienced players. Everyone has played through the usual stuff millions of times and it’s time for something fresh and new. You sit down to write… and nothing comes to mind. You’re drawing a blank, unable to even come up with a basic plot line to build upon. Don’t worry, [Read the article]
Soldiers of Fortune is a new book from Author Matt James and Open Design (the people who bring us Kobold Quarterly). It’s designed for 4th Edition and features the Midgard Campaign Setting, though the mechanics really are not setting-dependent. The book features rules and ideas for Ward-based Adventures and Campaigns. It provides new mechanics for player characters as well as some new tools, and a [Read the article]
Hello, Wrath of Zombie here! Tourq emailed me and asked if I would do a guest article for the Stuffer Shack about incorporating Aspects from FATE into other games, and I have to say I’m very excited about the opportunity. What Are Aspects? Aspects are an amazing mechanic used in the FATE system to help players and GM’s develop the characters and story. The truly [Read the article]
This is a level 7 encounter for five players. Background: It’s no secret how the Old Marsh Road got its name. The Sulkpeel Swamp has always posed a threat to travelers, and the practice of going around it to get to the next major city soon created an easily followed path. As time progressed, some people settled along the road, offering beds to travelers and [Read the article]
When two Lizardfolk tribes unite, local merchants have reason to be nervous, and militia men start keeping extra watchful eyes. When all the Lizardfolk in an area suddenly fall into line, riders scour the land for heroes. The first ones on the scene are rarely the last standing. Tales abound about the King Lizard. These massive humanoids wear scales of dark green with hues deep [Read the article]
At the heart of temple, the Lizardfolk line suddenly flew apart as a towering Blackscale advanced. Those not quick enough were tossed away like a farmer reaping wheat. The Blackscale Tribal Fury is tall and muscular, like the others of its bloodline, though not nearly as hulking as the Blackscale Bruiser. It has a more controlled athleticism, allowing it to make precise blows in combat. [Read the article]
The traders were foolish, to say the least. Knowing the Lizardfolk to be savage, they mistakenly assumed them to be simple. With two adventurers hidden among them, the traders went to see the tribal leader. When the leader arrived with only two warriors, the adventurers attacked – thinking to take the Lizardfolk’s resources while giving nothing in return. Their arrogance was dashed away when two score warriors [Read the article]
The Lizardfolk (or Lizardmen in earlier editions) have been part of Dungeon and Dragons since 1975, first appearing in the Greyhawk Supplement written by Gary Gygax and Robert Kuntz. That makes the Lizardfolk a part of D&D far longer than myself. I really got to know them when I was DMing my first campaign in 3X. Not even knowing their history, they struck me as [Read the article]
Even though all aspects have the same base definition, and mechanically act in the same way, your Defining Aspect really encompasses the meat of your character. Who is this? What do they do? What is their profession? Where does he come from? How is he different from others like him? What is it about this character that will make me immediately aware of who I’m really playing? Sum it [Read the article]
Embrace Your FATE
Although the FATE system has been around for a few years now, 2010 really shaped up as the year of FATE. Last year we saw the release of The Dresden Files (urban fantasy), Diaspora (hard sci-fi), Legends of Anglerre (fantasy), and Strands of FATE (universal). All of these games have added to the critical acclaim of Spirit of the Century (pulp action) and Starblazer Adventures [Read the article]