This is a hard world we find ourselves in, where everyone is looking to steal our money, screw us over, and make wee-wee on our hats. This is a world that hates and punishes naiveté, and loves and rewards cynicism and suspicion. Trust no one and fear everyone, strike before you’re struck, an extended hand conceals a blade, the arm around your back connects to [Read the article]
I buy a lot of RPG’s that I’m never going to play. In fact, for most of the games I buy, I do so intending on simply using them for inspiration or for exposure to new rule systems. A friend recently turned me on to the FATE system, and all I can say is that I can’t believe it’s taken me this long to start [Read the article]
I’m a list guy. I have shopping lists, to-do lists, and even gaming lists. One of the resources I use most as a GM however is my list of adventure ideas and components. Currently the list is about 15 pages long and divided into multiple categories such as Plot Twists, Memorable NPC’s, and Unusual Circumstances. I thought I’d share parts of the list for you [Read the article]
In many fantasy games (especially D&D 4e), the setting includes a wide array of races for players to choose from. By limiting the race selection to only a few base races (human, elf, dwarf, and halfling), you can bring back a more traditional and realistic feeling to the setting. Now, understanding that variety is the spice of life, we don’t want to limit the racial [Read the article]
For the longest time, I’ve meant to get some dice from Q-Workshop, but I kept putting it off. Then I read a great review by Bartoneus about them and I was sold. So, I made my order, got my dice, and couldn’t be happier. Then, I was talking to my buddy Mateusz over there in Poland (all of us internet dudes are buddies, right?) and [Read the article]
When I buy the horses for the Horse Mini sets and Adventurer’s Bundles, they come in assorted packs (I can’t buy several of the same horse; I have to buy the whole set). Because of this, I have to sell them in assorted sets – otherwise I would end up with a shortage of certain horses and a surplus of others. Several customers have asked [Read the article]
Form Follows Function Often, you don’t need to develop a whole, well-rounded NPC for your games. Most NPCs can get by with a minimal amount of information—just enough to do their job in the campaign. Gauge how much effort you need to put into creating an NPC by estimating how much contact the PCs will have with him. If all you need an NPC to [Read the article]
Ashen, the Driven Shaman – Steal this Eberron Background
There is very little I can remember of my past. I have gone by my self-given name for so long now, that my birth name is lost to the winds. I have only fleeting images of the place I once called home – the Eldeen Reaches are beautiful in the spring. The trees waving gracefully in the breeze, the forests were a comfort in my [Read the article]
Quick! Name a famous Shadar-Kai. Tricky, eh? This new poster-child race from 4e D&D lacks the same iconic identity as our familiar Dwarves, Elves and Halflings for that one simple reason: they’re new. How about if we took a small step back and paraphrase the racial details for the Shadar-Kai from the Monster Manual: “They are a bleak and sinister human-like people who move secretly [Read the article]