Thinking about it (as I have, lately) the current D&D Next playtest project is much like a train ride…
As the old saying (which I just made up) goes – anyone can play a Wizard, but it takes a certain kind of person to play a Wizard well. Of course, the same might be said about any class, but this post isn’t about the other guys. We’ll save those for another time. The Wizard class does, however, differ from the other mainstream classes in [Read the article]
Last time we looked at what makes superhero gaming different (some would say superior, but that’s fightin’ talk) to other genres of role-playing. This turn around, it’s time to get down & dirty and take a close look at how Mutants & Masterminds Third Edition might just be the ideal system for your first foray into the world of the spandex’d hero. For those of [Read the article]
So you want to be a superhero gamer. You want to run, punch and fly faster, harder and further than ever before. You tire of being constrained by mere dungeons and battlemats, and want to create a character that is entirely the product of your own imagination, not the product of race plus class. You want a system that doesn’t skimp on the details yet [Read the article]
Quick! Name a famous Shadar-Kai. Tricky, eh? This new poster-child race from 4e D&D lacks the same iconic identity as our familiar Dwarves, Elves and Halflings for that one simple reason: they’re new. How about if we took a small step back and paraphrase the racial details for the Shadar-Kai from the Monster Manual: “They are a bleak and sinister human-like people who move secretly [Read the article]
Every role-player has games that just sit there on the bookshelf. They lurk, their spines staring accusingly at you as you pass. “Why won’t you play me?” they mutely inquire. You know you want to. But still you don’t, and apart from their annual lift off the shelf for one more guilty read-through, they remain alone and unloved. Perhaps it’s because of an inability to [Read the article]
One of the biggest innovations in D&D 4e has been the broadening of character generation. Your character is no longer a simple Race and Class combo (though he can be just that, if that’s what you want) but a multi-faceted being complete with backstory, previous occupation, career path and social class, all in as much (or as little) detail as you choose. And they’ve managed [Read the article]
Redhawk gazed down at the rain-soaked crowd far below. “He could be anywhere,” he muttered under his breath. “Or everywhere.” The entire crowd halted mid-step and turned their faces to him, the same expression of arrogant confidence marring their features. “Team, weapon up,” he whispered into his comlink, “Identity has found me.” At first, it was believed that a single man controlled the crime syndicate [Read the article]